Toronto: Graffiti alley


For people who admires the beauty of street art as much as I do OR photographers whose looking for a good place to capture some awesome shots. 

Graffiti alley
definitely a place to check out in Toronto.

Located in 'The Fashion District' of the city running parallel of Queen St. West between Spadina Ave and Portland St.
Some calls it vandalism, others call it art.
Personally, I love the nature of street art:
the unknown artists
the idea that you never know what's next... or if it will still be there the next time

The bright, vibrant colours are evident of the creative class of the city that goes unrecognized.
Its not about marking territories, more like adding characters to neighbourhoods.
A city without graffiti is a dead city to me.
Toronto's unofficial mascot in action
Always chasing the sun
mummified red riding hood
Photo credit: Anne Chung
Photo Credit: Anne Chung
While there, found ourselves at a pop-up shop - Cantina
Cantina POP-UP shop offering free soup, why not.

Check it out Graffiti Alley yourself and let me know what you think.
Or share with me some of shots of the city.

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